S.No. | Title | Date of issuance of Implementation Instruction | Designation of Issuing Authority | LINK |
1 | Systemic Improvement for floating the manual tender for works having estimated cost upto 2 lakhs. | 20.07.2023 | Director(Tech./P&P) | Link |
2 | Systemic Improvement for Human Capital Management(HCM) module of SAP-ERP | 05.01.2024 | TS to Director(Tech./Oprs.) | Link |
3 | Systemic Improvement in Production Reporting System | 14.06.2023 | Director(Tech./Oprn.) | Link |
4 | Systemic Improvement measure regarding engagement of contractual tipping trucks to ply in the mines under mining contract | 20.12.2024 | Director(Tech./Oprn.) | Link |
5 | Systemic Improvement in respect of selection to the post of Clerk Gr. III & Store Issuer Gr.III in different areas of CCL | 06.01.2024 | General Manager(P-NEE) | Link |
6 | Systemic Improvement measure required for CCTV system & Road/Rail WBs of CCL | 19.06.2023 | Director(Tech./Oprn.) | Link |
7 | Systemic Improvement measures regarding improving the success rate of Tender | 28.01.2023 | Director(Tech./P&P) | Link |
8 | Systemic Improvement measure regarding SOP of Civil Engineering Activities | 14.11.2023 | General Manager(Civil) | Link |