Preventive Measures for Stock Measurement Link
Vigilance alert in the matter of deviation in tendering process from the Guidelines issued by CIL Link
Vigilance alert for operation and maintenance of Rail WBs in CCL Link
Vigilance alert for uniformity in auditing and payment of TA/ Medical bills of on roll employees in all Areas of CCL Link
Vigilance alert to curb illegal construction in the premises of CCL's Quarter Link
Alerts redressal mechanism for reporting, analysis and responding to the alerts generated in the GPS based VTS in CCL Link
Preventive measures regarding procedural Lapses in Tendering Process, Delay in Banning of defaulting bidders and non-Compliance with TC Decisions Link
Non-compliance with Manual Provisions regarding submission of Performance Security Deposit, execution of agreement & Closure of contract Link
Implementation of Electronic Measurement Book (e-MB) in Civil Engineering Works Link
Timely implementation of Transfers Orders Issued by Projects/ Areas/ CCL HQ for Employees working on sensitive posts Link
Financial scrutinychecking of Contractor's bills Link