In line with the Central Vigilance Commission's directive, the
Vigilance Awareness Period was observed with much
fervor and enthusiasm in all units, Areas and Headquarters of
CCL from 25.10.2010 to 1.11.2010. The period started with
taking of pledge by all the employees. The pledge was
administered by the CMD, CCL and was attended by the CVO,
D(T)Oprn. and D(F), CCL. CMD, CCL and CVO CCL explained about
the importance of observance of Vigilance Awareness Period and
details of programmes scheduled to be held in this period to
the employees of HQ. The observance of Vigilance Awareness
Period in the Areas commenced with the PLEDGE taken by the
employees on 25th October 2010 at 11.00 AM. The PLEDGE was
administered by the highest functionary present i.e. Chief
General Manager/ General Manager.
Banners and posters containing thought-provoking slogans were
displayed at conspicuous places in all the units/ offices.
Vigilance Department ran a special campaign during the period
to create awareness among the employees as well as public. To
inculcate the importance of good values and ethics in the
minds of school children, one Essay competition on the topic "Corruption
is the bane of any civil society" was also organized in
all the schools being funded/ helped by CCL in the Area level.
A Slogan Competition was also organized in the Areas of CCL.
Apart from this, workshops were organized in different areas
on different topics for creating awareness amongst the
employees of the company.
On the occasion, CVO, CCL released a message, in which special
focus was given on "Generation of Awareness and Publicity
against Corruption."
CCL Vigilance organized a number of workshops and seminars
during Vigilance Awareness Period. The highlights of above
workshops and seminars are noted below :
►One day
seminar on "Procurement procedure and Common
Irregularities in handling of tenders of Purchase Deptt."
was organized on 28.10.2010 at Vichar Manch Darbhanga House,
Ranchi wherein large number of executives & non executives
participated & on the occasion, CMD, CCL, CVO, CCL,
Director(Tech) Oprn., CCL and Director(F) CCL were present.
The aforesaid seminar was opened up with address by all the
functional Directors of CCL. Sri SD Narang, Director, (ST)
DGS&D, New Delhi delivered the key note address. Shri Narang
deliberated in details about common irregularities in
Purchase Contracts. During the interactive session, the
queries and doubts raised by officials of CCL regarding
procurement procedure were suitably clarified by Shri SD
Narang, Director,(ST) DGS&D, New Delhi.
On 28.10.2010
a "Compendium of Circulars" compiled by Vigilance
Department was released by Shri V Ramachandran, CTE, CVC,
New Delhi. Sri Ramachandran also addressed the gathering on
corruption related issues and responded to several queries
raised regarding tendering procedures, e-tendering etc.
A lecture on
"Different case studies done by CBI and common irregular
practices prevalent among Govt. Servant'' was deliberated in
detail by Shri RC Choudhary, SP, CBI, AHD, Ranchi at Vichar
Manch, Darbhanga House, Ranchi wherein executives and
non-executives of CCL including Director(F) CCL and CVO, CCL
took active participation.
On 29.10.2010
one workshop was organized at Kuju Area in which executives
of Civil and MM, E&M, Mining, Personnel discipline had
actively participated. Workshop was based on "Common
Irregularities in Civil & Purchase contracts and filing of
Property Return " wherein Shri YP Singh, Chief Manager(C)/Vig.,
Shri VS Singh, Sr. Manager(MM)/Vig., Shri PR Kumar,
Manager(X)/Vig. and Shri RR Sharma, Manager(P)/Vig.
addressed the gathering about common irregularities
pertaining to Tendering and execution in Civil/MM/Property
Return submission in detail. During the interactive session
the queries raised by the participants on common
irregularity in tendering and filing of property return were
replied by Sri YP Singh, Chief Manager(C)/Vig. , Sri VS
Singh, Sr. Manager (MM)/Vig. and Sri PR Kumar, Manager(X)/Vig.
On 30th
October 2010 a lecture on " Departmental Inquiries and Role
of Presenting Officer & Inquiring Authority" was delivered
by Sri Surjit Singh, Director, CVC at Vichar Manch Darbhanga
House, Ranchi wherein large number of executives & non
executives including CMD, CCL, CVO, CCL, Director(Tech) Oprn.,
CCL and Director(F) CCL took participation. Shri Singh
deliberated in details about role of Presenting Officer,
Inquiring Authority as well as Disciplinary Authority.
During the interactive session the queries and doubts raised
by officials of CCL regarding role of Presenting Officer,
Inquiring Authority and Disciplinary Authority were
clarified by the learned speaker.
► In the final
session a valedictory speech summing up all the above programmes was made by the undersigned. The undersigned
focused on the importance of preventive vigilance in curbing
corruption and made a request to the participants to be
transparent while making recommendation on any proposal or
while dealing with any file. In this occasion suggestions
were also invited from the employees/officers of CCL
regarding improvement in the "Compendium of Circulars" which
was released on 28.10.2010. |