Guidelines for lodging complaints:

The office of Chief Vigilance Officer, C.C.L. advises that the complainants should follow undermentioned guidelines /instructions to make a meaningful contribution in the vigilance administration:

  1. Complaints containing allegation of corruption, misconduct or malpractice involving the matters of Central Coalfields Limited (CCL) or the officials, employees working in CCL can be lodged through letter or online on the website of Central Coalfields Limited directly addressed to Chief Vigilance Officer, Central Coalfields Limited (CVO, CCL), Ranchi.

  2. Complaints without specific factual details, verifiable facts and which are vague or contain sweeping or general allegations will not be acted upon.

  3. Complainants to be careful before lodging complaints: Complainants are important stake holders for an anti-corruption institution like Office of CVO, CCL. The Office of CVO, CCL expects that the complaints lodged with the Office of CVO, CCL are genuine and not malicious, vexatious or frivolous; are based on verifiable facts and pertain to the Office of CVO, CCL’s jurisdiction. Complainants must keep in mind that the resources at the command of the Office of CVO, CCL are precious; and so, it needs to be used prudently in unearthing serious issues of corruption that would serve the public interest. Apart from using the resources of the Office of CVO, CCL, false and frivolous complaints create administrative delays in decision making like in the selection processes, project implementations apart from tarnishing personal reputations of the Government functionaries. In appropriate cases of misuse of the provision with a malafide intention to harass or harm an innocent Government servant, necessary action as per extant provisions could be taken against such complainants.

  4. It has been the experience of the Office of CVO, CCL that some complainants raise a large number of issues in one complaint in a way that all the issues get mixed up / intertwined with each other and it becomes difficult to discern and delineate the specific issues individually. The Office of CVO, CCL expects that the complainants, while lodging their complaints to the Office of CVO, CCL, should mention about the various specific issues one by one in a coherent manner so that any person of normal prudence can understand these issues unambiguously.

  5. The complaint should not be anonymous or pseudonymous. If the complainant expects that the Office of CVO, CCL should not file (take no action) their complaints on the basis of it being anonymous or pseudonymous, the complainants are expected to mention their name, correspondence address and contact details properly. It is also expected that the complainants will be quick to respond to the verification / confirmation being sought from them by the Office of CVO, CCL.

  6. On receipt of complaints, confirmation will be sought in the standard format from the complainant for owning or disowning the complaint as the case may be, together with a copy of complainant’s identity proof. If no response to the letter seeking confirmation is received from the complainant in the standard format sent by this office within 15 days followed by a reminder to for another 15 days, such complaints will be treated as pseudonymous complaint and will not be acted upon.

  7. Complaints via email will not be entertained and complainant should avoid sending the complaints on official emails of officers of Vigilance department.

  8. As the Office of CVO, CCL deals only with matters of corruption, redressal of grievances should not be the focus of complaints to the Office of CVO, CCL.

  9. If hand written complaints are received in the Office of CVO, CCL and are not legible at all, it will be difficult to understand the contents of complaints and take appropriate action. If a hand-written complaint is forwarded to the Office of CVO, CCL, it is expected that it should be legible. The same applies to the enclosures sent along with the complaints. All types of complaints, even if printed or photocopied should be clearly legible.

  10. The complainants are also expected to lodge complaints regarding only those issues having vigilance angle which are not part of any litigation in any court, tribunal, etc., i.e. the matter should not be sub-judice.

  11. Complaint/ Information about corruption/malpractice can also be lodged against any official by their subordinates or other officials, directly to this office.

  12. Once the complaint has been registered, this office will ensure that the complaints are acted upon and action taken to its logical conclusion.

  13. Complaints under PIDPI commonly known as Whistle Blower Complainant may be lodged to The Secretary, Central Vigilance Commission, New Delhi duly following the guidelines of CVC for lodging complaint under PIDPI which is available at link PIDPI.

  14. If a complaint against a public servant is found to be malicious, vexatious or unfounded, then action may be taken as per extant provisions against the complainant for making a false complaint

  15. Withdrawal of complaint: Some complainants, after confirming the complaint made by them, make a request for withdrawing the same or stopping the inquiry / investigation by the Office of CVO, CCL. It is to be noted that once a complainant confirms the complaint and action has been initiated for inquiry/investigation by the Office of CVO, CCL, it is not permissible to withdraw / stop such enquiry / investigation even if the complainant withdraws his complaint. The allegations contained in the complaint will be taken to its logical conclusion irrespective of complainant’s request for withdrawal of the complaint.

Mode of lodging complaints :

a) By post: The complaint may be sent by post to :

The Chief Vigilance Officer, Vigilance Department, Central Coalfields Limited, Darbhanga House, Ranchi-834029, Jharkhand.

b) For Online Lodging of Complaints, Click the button Lodge Complaint Online

c) Complaints via email will not be entertained.

d) PIDPI Complaints may be lodged to The Secretary, Central Vigilance Commission, New Delhi.

While lodging complaints, complainant must provide his/her name and full address with pin code.

If you don’t want to disclose your identity while lodging complaint use the PIDPI Whistle Blower : PIDPI

No action will be taken against Anonymous / Pseudonymous complaints ( Link to CVC’s Circular )

Commissions's Guidelines on Complaint Handling