Safety is given prime importance in the operations of CIL as embodied in the mission of Coal India Ltd. CCL has formulated a Safety Policy for ensuring safety in mines and implementation of which is closely monitored at several levels. ► Operations and systems will be planned and designed to eliminate or materially reduce mining hazards ► Implement Statutory Rules and Regulations and strenuous efforts made for achieving superior standards of safety; ► To bring about improvement in working conditions by suitable changes in technology; ► Provide material and monetary resources needed for the smooth and efficient execution of Safety Plans; ► Deploy safety personnel wholly for accidents for accident prevention work; ► Organize appropriate forums with employees representatives for Joint consultations on safety matters and secure their motivation and commitment in Safety Management; ► Prepare annual Safety Plan and long term Safety Plan at beginning of every calendar year, unit-wise and for the company, to effect improved safety in operations as per respective geo-mining needs to prepare the units for onset of monsoon, to fulfill implementation of decisions by Committee on Safety in Mines and Safety Conferences and to take measures for overcoming accident proneness as may be reflected through study of accident analysis, keeping priority in sensitive areas of roof-falls, haulage, explosives, machinery etc. ► Set up a frame work for execution of the Safety Policy and Plans through the General Managers of Areas, Agents, Managers and other safety personnel of the units;► Multi-level monitoring of the implementation of the Safety Plans through Internal Safety Organization at the company headquarters and Area Safety Officers at area level; ► All senior executives at all levels of management, will continue to inculcate a safety consciousness and develop involvement in practicing safety towards accident prevention in their functioning; ► Institute continuous education, training and retraining all employees with the accent placed on development of safety oriented skills; ► Continue efforts to better the living conditions and help of all the employees both in and outside the mines. |
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