CCL | Central Coalfields Limited | A Miniratna Company - A Govt. of India Undertaking | Ranchi | Jharkhand | India
सीआईएल में निदेशक (व्यवसाय विकास) के पद हेतु चयन
सीसीएल राजभाषा अंतर क्षेत्र प्रश्नोत्तरी प्रतियोगिता - 2024
शेड्यूल 'बी' सीपीएसई, बीसीसीएल के सीएमडी के पद पर चयन के लिए पीईएसबी अधिसूचना
राजभाषा पखवाड़ा-2024 के अंतर्गत काव्य प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन किया गया है
सीआईएल में वरिष्ठ सलाहकार (टीपीपी) की नियुक्ति के लिए अधिसूचना
राजभाषा पखवाड़ा 2024 के संबंध में सूचना
एनसीएल में एक पूर्णकालिक सलाहकार (भूमि एवं राजस्व) की नियुक्ति के लिए अधिसूचना
ट्रेडिंग विंडो बंद करने के संबंध में परिपत्र
डब्ल्यूसीएल में निदेशक (तकनीकी) के पद हेतु चयन
हिंदी दिवस के अवसर पर अघ्यक्ष-सह-प्रबंध निदेशक, सीसीएल का संदेश।
हिंदी दिवस के अवसर पर निदेशक कार्मिक, सीसीएल का संदेश।
सीसीएल 14 सितंबर से 30 सितंबर तक राजभाषा पखवाड़ा का आयोजन कर रहा है
कोयला खदान निगरानी एवं प्रबंधन प्रणाली (सीएमएसएमएस) और मोबाइल ऐप खनन प्रहरी के लिए एसओपी
मेडिकल एग्जीक्यूटिव के अनंतिम रूप से चयनित उम्मीदवारों का DV/IME
सीसीओ के पदों पर प्रतिनियुक्ति के आधार पर नियुक्ति के लिए कार्यालयों के चयन के संबंध में मंत्रालय का दिनांक 28.08.2024 का शुद्धिपत्र
कंपनी | कॉर्पोरेट की सामाजिक जिम्मेदार

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) & CCL

Business and industry have come into existence to promote social growth and social good. They draw resources from the society and add values to generate wealth. Hence, society and business are interdependent and business must take full account of societal expectations. A stable social environment is a pre-requisite for
business investment and industrial operations. So industry needs to facilitate such environment by taking care of the concerns of the society. This is what Central Coalfields Ltd (CCL) strongly believes in. The Company is a MiniRatna Category I Central PSU in the family of Coal India Ltd. Once written off as a loss making CPSU, the Company has made a spectacular turnaround a couple of years ago and has grown strength to strength by registering record production, productivity, profit and people care (4 Ps).

CCL becoming a MiniRatna Company is 'the dream comes true' of its employees, their family members and the people of Jharkhand - CCL being the largest mining industry in the State. The community in and around the command areas of the company are having sentimental attachment with CCL and it enjoys full support of the society, unique amongst mining industry in India. Sentiment have come to embedded with aspirations and CCL, spreading as it does in seven districts of the State of Jharkhand, symbolizes not only the industrial might of the State (Jewel of Jharkhand) but the hopes and aspiration of the people of the State as well.

In this backdrop, the responsibility of CCL as a Corporate entity addressing socio economic and environmental concerns of the community becomes quite focused. Such focus on community can albeit CCL C.S.R. is within the Company philosophy reflecting in its VMO.

CCL : Vision, mission & Core Values:

Vision :
To be a leading Energy supplier in the country through best practices of international standard from mine to market.

To produce and market the planned quantity of coal and coal products efficiently and economically with due regard to safety, conservation and quality.


  • To optimize generation of internal resources by improving productivity, preventing wastage and to  mobilize adequate external resources for meeting investment needs.

  • To maintain high standards of safety for accident free coal mining through safe mining practices and continuous safety audit and risk assessment.

  • To conserve environment through of Committed Plan for reclamation and plantation.

  • To maintain the quality of ambient air and water within the prescribed norms.

  • To introduce mass production technology viz. continuous miners etc. for enhancing underground production of quality coal.

  • To operate mega opencast projects using high capacity equipment with higher availability and utilization secured through long term Maintenance And Repair Contract(MARC).

  • To beneficiate coal on a substantially larger scale by adding new capacities and supplying quality coal as per customer's choice.

  • To create an enabling environment for full realization of employees potential through mindset change, customized HRD programmes and synergic teams.

  • To create an enabling environment for full realization of employees potential through mindset change, customized HRD programmes and synergic teams.

  •  To provide adequate number of skilled manpower to run the operations and impart technical and managerial training for upgradation of skill.

  • To improve worklife balance by better health care, quality life in townships and excellent educational facilities.

Core Value statement: (4Cs)

  • Customer Care

  • Concern for Environment & Safety

  • Care for employees

  • Cost consciousness

CCL was formed in 1975 with 63 mines grouped in 11 Areas (26 underground and 37 open cast with 7 washeries (4 Medium coking coal and 3 non-coking coal) The Company has six operating coalfields and one Central Workshop (ISO9002 certified) and 5 Regional Workshops, 3 of them ISO9002 certified.

Command Areas of CCL

State of Jharkhand vis-a-vis CCL command Areas:
Total area of Jharkhand State 79,714Sq. km
Total area of coalfields under command Area of CCL (12 coalfields) 2,336 Sq. km
Area of CCL mining lease/acquired under Different Acts 653 Sq. km
Percentage of area of State 0.8%
Land under mining projects where mining operation is going on/
may start in XI & XII Plan period
500 Sq. km
Percentage of area where mining activities is going on in
comparison to total area of State
Total population of Jharkhand State 2,69,00,000 approx. (Census 2001)
Total population in the CCL Areas who are affected directly
or indirectly due to mining and related activities
(Average density of population 365/ x 500
Percentage of population affected 0.7%

Forest Land of Jharkhand vis-a-vis Forest Land of CCL mines

Total forest covered area in Jharkhand (based on
Average 30% forest cover of its total area)
23,914 Sq. km (approx.)
Total forest land within command area of CCL 200 Sq. km (approx)
Forest land transferred to CCL for mining and other activities 58.44 Sq. km
(5843.84 Ha)
Percentage of total forest land of the State 0.24%
Money deposited to Govt. as NPV etc Rs.438.36 Crores
Plantation by CCL 6 million trees in 4125 ha

CCL has taken 5843 ha of forest land for mining and other activities and has made plantation over 4125 ha, apart from making payment for NPV and compensatory afforestation.

CCL Community Initiatives :

Since the day of its formation in 1975 till date social initiative undertaken by CCL have 3 phases overlapping each other viz.

i. Rehabilitation and Resettlement of Project Affected People (PAP)
ii. Welfare and Community Development and
iii. Comprehensive Community initiative under CSR (2007 onwards.)

Rehabilitation and Resettlement of Project Affected Families:

i) Compensation of 9332 Ha. of erstwhile Railways/land vested with NCDC/ CCL was fully paid in the past.
ii) Compensation of 2202 Ha. of land acquired under LA Act has been fully paid amounting to Rs.37.16 crores.
iii) Compensation for 6406 Ha. of land acquired under CBA Act assessed at Rs.39.89 crores.
iv) Compensation paid so far : Rs.32 crores
v) Amount pending due to lack of land related Documents and title dispute amongst the Shareholders : Rs.13.91 crores
vi) No. of employees on CCL roll as on 1.1.2008 : 60,000
vii) No. of direct employment given to land Losers up to 29th Feb, 2008 : 4698
viii) Future opportunity of direct employment For land acquired in XI & XIIth Plan Period : 5500 (approx.)
ix) Opportunities for indirect employment arising out of mining activities :

a. Contractual work to cooperative societies formed by displaced persons, Direct engagement as contractual labourers with the contractors engaged by CCL for civil construction works, coal transport, coal loading at coal depot for road sale.

b. Opportunities for small training/business in the form of grocery shop, Local repair garage, workshops, furniture shops, tea stalls, restaurants, Small hotels etc to cater the need of people working/residing at different infrastructures created by CCL, etc.

x) Resettlement of project Affected Families :

a. No. of families required to be resettled by Feb, 2008 and resettlement completed : 1837
(1207 families have shifted at resettlement colonies and 630 families have opted for one time limp sum grant of Rs.50,000/- each in lieu of resettlement site)
b. No. of families required to be resettled in XI Plan period : 2571
c. No. of families required to be resettled After XI Plan : 4125

CCL R&R Policy:

  • One employment for every 2 acres of land under package concept or otherwise, acquired.
  • The dependent shall be taken in at a consolidated stipend of Rs.5550/- per month for a period of two years and subsequently regularized as per company rule.
  • Cash compensation in lieu of employment at rates prescribed in the R&R Policy notified by MORD, Govt. of India.
  • In case of direct recruitment Project Affected person shall be entitled for preference vis-a-vis outsiders other things being equal. In case of land losers not considered for employment, preference shall be given by
    allowing an advantage of 5 marks out of 100.
  • Actual land losers or their dependents as prescribed in the R&R Policy notified by MORD shall either take employment or cash compensation in lieu of employment against land on the following basis:
    • Rs.2.00 Lakhs for first acre of land on pro-rata basis subject to a minimum Rs.50,000/- only.
    • Rs.1.5 Lakhs on pro-rata basis for 2nd and 3rd acre of land.
    • Rs.1.00 Lakh on pro-rata basis for land beyond 3 acres.
  • For PAPs whose homestead is acquired, an alternative house site measuring 100 Sq. Mtr. Per family and compensation for shifting etc. as per the rates prescribed below:
    • Each affected family that is displaced and has cattle, shall get financial assistance of Rs.15,000/- for construction of cattle head.
    • Each affected family shall get one-time financial assistance of Rs.10,000/- for shifting of the family, building materials, belongings and cattle.
    • Each affected person who is a rural artisan, small trader or self employed person and who has been displaced shall get a onetime financial assistance of Rs.25,000/- for construction of working shed or shop.
    • Each affected displaced family will get subsistence allowance 25 days MAW per month for one year.
    • One-time lump sum payment of Rs.1.00 Lakh

In short, there is comprehensive rehabilitation and resettlement package under CIL R&R Policy. With the introduction of NRRP -2007, CIL is proactively responding to the need of making resettlement package more attractive and redressing the socio economic concerns of the project affected people (PAP). One such forward thinking is to develop resettlement sites much before acquisition and make the PAPs an important stakeholder in the scheme of development that may change the response of these people one of resistance to voluntary co operation.

Poverty alleviation and CCL :

Some reports point out that mining in general is more likely to lead to poverty ex-acerbation than it is to poverty reduction. Dwindling per capita income in the State is put up as evidence. Rich land makes poor people. This conclusion may have truth in general but there is need to go into specific, if we wish to cure the spectre of so called "resource curse" haunting the resource rich land.

World Bank's Conceptualization of poverty

While some Economists use to define poverty solely in terms of per capita GDP, the World Bank now accepts that poverty has many dimensions. The Bank's most in-depth recent statement on poverty, its 2000/2001 World
Development Report entitled "Attacking Poverty", identifies four broad categories that together encompass its conception of poverty. These categories are as follows:

1) Material deprivation;
2) low levels of education and health
3) vulnerability and exposure to risk; and
4) voicelessness and powerlessness.

This conceptualization provides a sound framework from which to assess the mining sector's empirical record on poverty alleviation.

Material Deprivation

In terms of material deprivation, World Bank sees economic growth as necessary but not sufficient for poverty reduction. What matters here is whether coal company has done well in terms of equity of income distribution or creation of job opportunities for the poor-whether jobs created are such that are accessible to poor who are generally unskilled or semi-skilled. In the year 2007, CCL was having 90,000 employees, out of which 46,000 (51 %) are unskilled and semi-skilled. As on 1.1.2008, CCL is having 60,000 employees, out of which 31,000 (51%), are unskilled and semi-skilled, 23,000 are SC/ST (38%),15,000 (25%) are OBC, 5232 (9%) are women employees. This shows that jobs offered by CCL are greatly accessible to the poor and weaker section of the Society. CCL mining command areas have affected 1.8 lakhs people. If we take direct employment (60,000), Contract labour (8000) and informal service provider (more 32,000) with a unit family size of 5 each, a total of 5 lakh people depend on CCL for their livelihood. So there is fair degree of distribution of income among the people.

Health and Education

World Bank highlights the significance of pro-poor, Government spending on such thing as education and health as an important element of poverty reduction. CCL has provided quality education facility in its command areas with a net work of 68 schools like DAV, KV, Gyanoday, other private schools etc. having students strength of more than 40,000, out of which 23,000 are non-CCL employee wards. Education expenses of the Company has consistently been increasing in 2005-06 it was Rs.430 lakhs and in 2006-07, Rs.446 lakhs and in 2007-08, 501 lakhs. Company incurs per capita student expenses of Rs.1220/-. Company has now put emphasis on girl child education, interalia, free schooling for girl children of BPL family in CCL aided schools in command areas, health care, provision of education kits etc. Under CD programme 125 no. of schools have been provided with educational accessories like table, bench, dari, sports items etc. School building/roof have been repaired/constructed, particularly toilets for girl student constructed.


CCL extends comprehensive health care in its command areas with a network of Hospitals : 2 Central Hospitals, 8 Regional, 9 Area Hospitals and 63 Dispensaries with bed strength 892, Doctors - 297 and para medicals -780. Medical expenditure of the Company has increased from Rs.13.6 crores in 2006-07 to Rs.15.6 crores in 2007-08. All trauma cases of general public are treated in CCL Hospital. The company extends free medical treatment to the residents of nearby villages by conducting medical camps. In 2006-07, 205 such camps have been conducted with total beneficiaries of 49,020. In 2007- 08, the number of such camps have gone up to 277 with beneficiaries increasing to 51,747. Beside this, CCL is launching CCL Health Card for the people in command areas extending free treatment. The Company has also launched "Operation Jyoti", a programme to eradicate all cases of reversible blindness in command areas of CCL. The Company also runs "Aids Control Project" and RNTCP (Revised National Tuberculosis Programme).

Giving a Voice : Empowerment

CCL command area have facilitated development of unions, Associations - PAPs, NGOs, Political outfits, SHGs etc. and thus giving a reasonable voice to the people hitherto not known. The above empherical records indicate that there is some dent in poverty alleviation. Hence, general observation of mining not contributing to poverty alleviation may not be true. Moreover, mining provides much needed revenue to the State to invest in poverty alleviation programmes.

Present status of PAPs after resettlement

(i) As per report submitted in May 2005 by World Bank sponsored NGO Xavier Institute of Social Service, Ranchi about 75% to 80% people have constructed bigger, stronger and higher houses as compared to their houses before shifting. All the persons trained as driver for self employment have been engaged by local contractors and transporters and all has regular income.

(ii) PAPs are regularly engaged at Coal dump siter for local sale of coal for loading purpose for minimum 20 days every month. Even the PAPs who were trained for basket making, carpet making, piggery, goatary etc. and had started their own business have now joined loading group at coal dump etc.

(iii) Some of the PAPs are engaged in soft coke making which is very lucrative business.

Strategic CSR

During the last couple of years, the Company has not only brought laurels in the field of production, productivity and profitability, but also taken significant steps in the areas of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). CCL has developed its strategic CSR policy with the main objectives to improve the quality of life of the people living in and around the command areas. It is also a matter of applaud that CCL is now a member of UN Global Compact.

CSR policy has given special emphasis on triple bottom line - social, economic and environmental initiatives to make it sustainable.



The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility is to focus on inclusive growth of the community in the command areas of CCL through a host of CSR measures making mining socially sustainable. With the rapidly changing corporate environment, more functional autonomy, operational freedom etc., CCL has adopted CSR as a strategic tool by integrating Business processes with Social processes.


The areas and mines of CCL are located in seven districts of Jharkhand which are in remote areas and affected by Mao activists. Coal Mining has direct impact on the socio economic and the environmental conditions of the operational areas. Due to the remoteness, the inhabitants of the peripheral areas are poor, needy and belong to the section of the society which is below poverty line. As such, the primary beneficiary of CSR should be land oustees/ PAPs and the poor people staying within the radius of 15 kms. of the command area. The poor and needy people of Jharkhand should be secondary beneficiaries.
The policy on CSR of CCL is framed taking into account the development of poor, the villagers residing in and around the command areas and the work force of the company socially, economically and safeguarding the environment for maintaining the ecological balance.


The objective of CSR policy is to lay down guidelines for the coal companies to make CSR a key business process for sustainable development by focusing on overall development of villagers, workers of the companies and poor people of the society. By subscribing to the principles of Global Compact.


The responsibility of the company shall be to execute CSR within the radius of 5 km, 10 km and 15 Kms in phased and manner for every project and Areas including Headquarters covering the existing components of Special Corporate Plans (SCP) and Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) for development of SC and ST population. Further Board of Directors of the company can approve specific cases of projects beyond mining areas within the respective State.


For every fiscal years, the CSR should be focused on a specific activity as per the need & requirement. Considering the gradual lowering of water table in Jharkhand, acute water crisis is being faced. Keeping in view the above, CCL has focused on catering adequate drinking water facilities to the needy & accordingly 90% of the total budget of CSR budget for the year 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-15 would be spent on drinking water. In the subsequent years, the focused work areas would be identified & thrust will be given as per the requirement & need of focused work.



  •  Support to Technical/Vocational Institutions like ITI, Polytechnic etc.
  •  Support to rural educational institutions by providing study materials, sports material and bench and desk to  the students & Academic education by way of financial assistance to Primary, Middle and High Schools.
  • Promotion of Professional Education by setting up educational institutions offering courses in Engg, Nursing, Management, Medicine and in Technical subjects etc. CCL will ask for reservation of seats for CCL's nominated students and children of BPL families.
  • Provide free education up to +2 level and free coaching for getting admission in reputed technical institution of the country like IITs, NITs & others to meritorious students belonging to weaker sections of the society, PAPs/land oustees and children of the employees residing in and around the command areas. Also to provide free boarding lodging facilities to such students.
    For uninterrupted education, provision of fees and scholarship for poor, needy, children of BPL families & land oustees/ displaced persons, meritorious students studying in the schools in the command areas of the company, specially for girl students.
    Awareness programs on girl education &adult literacy amongst the belonging to BPL.
  • Special attention on education, training and rehabilitation of mentally & physically challenged children/persons.
  •  Provide cycle to needy girl students who are attending

       Drinking Water Facilities

  • Installation/Repair of Hand Pumps/Tube Wells/ Deep bore wells with submersible pumps with storage arrangements.
  • Digging/Renovation of Wells.
  • Supply of water through pipelines and water tankers.
  • Gainful utilization of waste water from Under-ground.
  • Mines for cultivation or any other purpose.
  • Development/construction of Water Tank/Ponds.
  • Rain water-harvesting scheme.
  • Empowerment to the villagers for maintenance of the above facilities for availability of water.

      Health Care

  • Treatment through CSR clinics and ambulance of critical diseases for poor and BPL families residing in & around the command areas through Jan Arogya Kendra.
  • Operation Jyoti - for eradication of reversible blindness for the people of the peripheral areas.
  • Organizing health/ health awareness Camps on AIDS,TB and Leprosy, Child and Mother care , Pre and Post natal care, family welfare, Diabetics detection & Hypertension Camps, diet and nutrition camps and blood donation camps.
  • Healthcare for senior citizens.
  • To supplement the different programs local/ state authorities.


  •  Maintaining ecological balance & pollution control.
  •  Aforestation, Social Forestry development, Green belt Development
  •  Reclamation of mined out lands.
  •  Plantation of herbal and fruit bearable plants Silk rearing & lac production

      Self Employment Programs

  • Self /Gainful Employment Opportunities may be offered by organizing different training programs on farming & other agricultural practices, animal husbandry , fishery. of
  • Organizing training programs on enhancing technical skills, imparting motor driving skills to the rural youth.
  • Organizing training programs for women on tailoring, embroidery designs, home foods/fast foods, pickles, painting and interior decoration and other Vocational Courses.
  • Development of Cooperative societies for generating self employment.

Village Electricity/Solar Light

To develop infrastructural facilities for providing electricity through Solar Lights or alternative renewal energy to the nearby villages. Recurring expenditure should be borne by the beneficiaries.

    Sports and Culture

  •  Development of sports & cultural activities in the nearby villages off the command area by providing sports    material to the children & youth & also by conducting tournaments of games & sports events.
  • Identification of rural talents for participating in sports & cultural activities of state & national level.
  • Promotion & development of sports for physically handicapped persons.
  • Sponsorship of national sports field events in the coal field areas.
  • Financial assistance/ donations/ sponsorship may be given to clubs / institutions recommended by National/ State/ District forums/ authorities for development of sports. Proper check measures to be kept for ensuring the utilization of the fund & publicity is also to be ensured for corporate image building

    Infrastructure Support

  • Construction, repair, extension etc. of Auditorium, Educational Institutions, bridges, culverts, roads, drains check dam, shopping complex to facilitate business/self employment for local people, Community Centre, Sulabh Souchalaya/ Community toilets, Yatri Shed in Bus Stand, Burning Ghat/Crematorium, Development of Park, Play ground/Sports complex/Good Coaches, Old Age Home for senior citizens, adoption/ construction of hostels especially those for SC/ ST and girls.
  • Protection of Heritage sites in the CSR purview.
  • Relief of victims and Natural Calamities like Earth Quake, Cyclone, Draught and Flood situation in any part of the country.
  • Disaster Management Activities including those related to amelioration/mitigation.
  • Collection of old cloths from the employees and distribution in the nearby village by utilizing the platform of Mahila Sabha of the Company, Club (Executives & Non-executives) and Women in Public Sector.
  • Distribution of blanket to needy and poor section of the society and destitute.
  • Development of smokeless fuel out of coal and also arrangement for distribution of efficient Chulha/solar chulha to the villagers.
  • Adoption of village for carrying out the activities like infrastructural development e.g. Road, water supply, electricity and community center and other sustainable developmental works.

The above list is illustrative and not exhaustive. CMD shall be authorized to consider CSR activities not falling in this list. The activities will be specific to the village depending on the need assessed for the people. As far as possible efforts will be made to co-ordinatewith similar CSR activities that are taken up by the Central or State Govt. in the areas of CCL. All activities under the CSR activities should be environment friendly and socially acceptable to the local people and Society.

A Corporate Social Responsibility Committee (CSRC) would be constituted at the HQ level and Area level for identification and implementation of activities which involve the following:-

1) The Committee will interact with the concerned MPs, MLAs, and Local Authorities/Local Bodies, members of the area consultative committee, representatives of recognized Trade Unions to identify and finalize the activities which are to be taken under CSR.
2) The Committee will also interact with the concerned State Officials/Govt officials to confirm the areas for undertaking activities under CSR activities to avoid duplicity of the job. The Committee will decide the priority of the activities to be undertaken under CSR.
3) The Committee will interact with the CSR Implementing agencies for determining the activities to be undertaken.
4) The Committee will examine the proposal/requests submitted by CSR implementing agencies for Grant of donation/Financial Assistance/ Sponsorship etc. And also submit its recommendation before the Head of the CSR Committee.
5) The Committee will prepare comprehensive action plan for every fiscal year with special reference to the parameters of the CSR activities as fixed in MOU.
6) The committee at CCL Hq. level would be headed by Director (P&IR), CCL and would include:
       1. GM,(L&R)/CSR
       2. CMS/CMO,HQ
       3. GM(F)
       4. GM(Env.&FOREST)
       5. GM(Civil)/DY.GM/Town Administration
       6. Representatives of recognized Unions operating at HQ

CSR Department of CCL would act as "NODAL" Deptt. under the guidance of Director (P), CCL, GM (CSR), CCL would put up all cases to the committee for consideration and recommendation to the competent authority which shall be Director (P). This "NODAL" Deptt. Will function as the CSR Cell of the Company.

At Area level, a CSR committee should be constituted headed by CGM/GM of the areas.
The committee will consist of -
Staff Officer (Pers.), SO, AFM, AMO and all the project officers of the concerned area.

The finalized CSR action plan of the areas should be sent to HQ by the last week of April every year. The consolidated CSR plans of area & HQ should be placed before the competent authority for approval. The approved CSR plans should be sent back to areas along with the sanctioned budget by June last week of every fiscal year. The implementation of approved CSR activities should be commenced by 1st week of July of every fiscal year.

a) The investment in CSR should be project based and for every project time framed periodic mile stones should be finalized at the outset.
b) Project activities identified under CSR are to be implemented by Specialized Agencies and generally NOT by staff of the organization. Specialized

Agencies could be made to work singly or in tandem with other agencies.

c) Such specialized agencies would include:

    i) Community based organization whether formal or informal.
    ii) Elected local bodies such as Panchayats.
    iii) Voluntary Agencies (NGOs)
    iv) Institutes/Academic organisation
    iv) Trusts, Mission etc.
    v) Self-help groups
   vii) Government, Semi Government and autonomous Organizations.
   viii) Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE)
    ix) Mahila Mandals/Samitis
    x) Contracted agencies for civil works
    xi) Professional Consultancy Organization etc.

(d) Activities related to Sustainable Development will form a significant element of the total initiatives of CSR. Such activities should come under the 3 UN Global Compact Principles pertaining to the Environment Business are asked to
  i) Support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges.
  ii) Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility and
 iii) Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.

e) Utilization Certificate with statement of expenditure will be submitted by the Areas at the end of every fiscal year.

f) The Committee will monitor and review the progress of activities


a) The CSR Committee of the areas will prepare the Monthly Report on CSR Activities undertaken & send it to the HQ by the last week of every month.
b) In every six months Board of Directors of CCL as well as at Area level CGM/GM should review the implementation of CSR

c) Annual Report on CSR should be sent by each Areas to CCL HQ highlighting the cumulative outlays and outcomes of the program in specific details for its onward transmission to CIL Kolkata.

d) CSR Project should also be evaluated by an independent external agency. This evaluation should be both concurrent and final.


The fund for the CSR should be allocated based on 5% of the retained earnings of previous year subject to minimum of Rs.5/- per tonne of coal production of previous year. Out of above, 4% would be allocated for CSR activities to be carried out within the radius of 15 Kms of the project site and balance 1% would be allocated for carrying out CSR activities by
CCL in the State of Jharkhand.
Approving Authority for the CSR amount to be spent would be the CMD, CCL in consultation with concerned Functional Directors of the company.

Out of Total CSR Budget, 15% and 8% would be allocated separately and exclusively in the Annual Plan for undertaking Welfare Activities under CSR for development of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes populations respectively and balance 77% Fund would be utilized for implementation of CSR Activities for the entire population including SCs and STs.

The CSR Project should be fixed for each financial year. This funding will not lapse. It will be transferred to CSR Fund which will accumulate-as in the case of Non lapsable pool for the North East.


(a) The impact made by CSR activities should be quantified to the best possible extent with reference to base line data, which need to be created before the start of any project. Hence Base-line Surveys are mandatory.

(b) Meticulous documentation relating to CSR approaches policies, programmes, expenditures, procurement etc. should be prepared and put in the Public Domain, (particularly through the internet) and made available to the National CSR Hub.


Maintenance of Assets created under CSR would be the Responsibility of the concerned State Government and local representatives of the Society. Before any Capital investment is made, an undertaking would be taken from the representatives of local community that they would be responsible for maintenance of the Assets.


The audited CSR activities will be reflected in the Annual Report and Accounts of CCL under Social Overhead (CSR). The CSR activities are to be uploaded in the CCL/CIL website. The CSR activities are to be projected by display boards, hoardings, publishing in local & national dailies & other such media documentations.
The Committee constituted in the area will inspect all sites and reflect the same to CSR Cell for their information, record and further action.


The above guidelines would form the framework around which the CSR activities would be undertaken. Every area should have specific activities to adopt mostly in their close vicinity of the projects & specially in the localities where the expansion of new projects are likely to take place.
CSR activities in Jharkhand State should be preferably done through the areas located in the State.
The CSR Policy of CCL since includes all the CSR activities and Community Development activities in a broader perspective, this Policy will supersede all earlier policies relating to CSR.
This policy will be reviewed from time to time based on changing needs and aspirations of the target beneficiaries and make suitable modifications, as may be necessary.





   कंपनी    व्यवसाय    जानकारी डेस्क    ऑनलाइन सेवा    संपर्क
   इतिहास    प्रदर्शन हाइलाइट्स    नियम और नियमावली    शिकायत डेस्क    महत्वपूर्ण फोन / ई - मेल
   कंपनी प्रोफाइल    व्यवसाय के साधन    नोटिस    ऑनलाइन भर्ती    कार्यात्मक पदों की ई-मेल
   एफडी प्रोफ़ाइल    बिल भुगतान की जानकारी    फार्म और प्रारूप    पंजीकृत कार्यालय
   ऑपरेशन के क्षेत्र    ईएमडी / एसडी की स्थिति    परिपत्र / दस्तावेज़    ऑनलाइन प्राईड प्रपत्र
   प्रबंध    एचईएमएम स्थिति    शक्तियों का प्रत्यायोजन    वार्षिक संपत्ति रिटर्न
   सूचना का अधिकार अधिनियम    मूल्य निर्धारण    निविदाएं     
   मान्यता    दर अनुबंध    महत्वपूर्ण लिंक     
   मेगा प्रोजेक्ट्स    आपूर्ति आदेश    शिकयतों का सुधार     
संरचना एवं विकास : प्रणाली विभाग, सी. सी. एल.